BJJ functional fitness

Simplifying the world as you don your gi

When you put on your gi and step into the gym, you’re entering a world that’s both simpler and more complex than the one ‘outside’. I’m...

November 29, 2016 by MMA trainer with 0 comments


Advancing to the higher belts in BJJ

I’ve often found that a lot of white belts get discouraged, because it seems to them to be too hard to advance at BJJ. This can be especially t...

November 25, 2016 by MMA trainer with 0 comments


The correct state of mind on the Mat

Victory on the mat is all about state of mind. But BJJ is about a good deal more than victory – it is about learning. For those who actually en...

November 22, 2016 by MMA trainer with 1 comment

BJJ mat fight

On the Mat – the Core of success at BJJ

So what is it that a BJJ practitioner needs most of all to succeed on the mat? Everyone has their own ideas, of course, but you’ll find that as...

November 20, 2016 by MMA trainer with 0 comments

Head guards

A good head guard can prevent an ‘agricultural’ cauliflower ear!

A good head guard is quite important if you want to prevent a cauliflower ear. Of course, some people might look at a cauliflower ear as a sort o...

November 3, 2016 by MMA trainer with 1 comment