Details Lucky Gi’s latest and greatest creation is the result of many years spent researching and experimenting with how to create a perfect gi made of hemp.The “Hempire” Lucky BJJ kimono literally falls onto your body, unlike slightly stiffer cotton gis. It is hands down the most comfortable, and form fitting BJJ gi on the market today, even more comfortable than Lucky’s bamboo gis (which feel like wearing a pair of pyjamas!)This gi is inspired by the kimono that Yoda wore in the Star Wars movies, and even matches closely in colour (the colour of natural hemp fabric.) You will notice the Yoda image on the tag, and a lightsaber icon on the skirt.A few other advantages that a hemp gi has over your basic cotton gi;Hemp’s tensile strength is six to eight times (yes, 8 times) that of cotton fiber!Fabrics made from hemp are hypo-allergenic and non-irritating to the skin. Current tests indicate that hemp is able to kill staph and other bacteria that come in contact with its surface.Hemp has the look of classic linen but has the super soft feeling of your favorite flannel.Hemp breathes incredibly well. It is even recommended for warm, humid climates as the fabric resists mildew.Hemp is often considered an environmental “Super Fiber”. It’s a high-yield crop that produces significantly more fiber per acre than cotton.
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Details Lucky Gi’s latest and greatest creation is the result of many years spent researching and experimenting with how to create a perfect gi made of hemp.The “Hempire” Lucky BJJ kimono literally falls onto your body, unlike slightly stiffer cotton gis. It is hands down the most comfortable, and form fitting BJJ gi on the market today, even more comfortable than Lucky’s bamboo gis (which feel like wearing a pair of pyjamas!)This gi is inspired by the kimono that Yoda wore in the Star Wars movies, and even matches closely in colour (the colour of natural hemp fabric.) You will notice the Yoda image on the tag, and a lightsaber icon on the skirt.A few other advantages that a hemp gi has over your basic cotton gi;Hemp’s tensile strength is six to eight times (yes, 8 times) that of cotton fiber!Fabrics made from hemp are hypo-allergenic and non-irritating to the skin. Current tests indicate that hemp is able to kill staph and other bacteria that come in contact with its surface.Hemp has the look of classic linen but has the super soft feeling of your favorite flannel.Hemp breathes incredibly well. It is even recommended for warm, humid climates as the fabric resists mildew.Hemp is often considered an environmental “Super Fiber”. It’s a high-yield crop that produces significantly more fiber per acre than cotton.