Show your loyalty for your sports heroes with jerseys & tanks         

Jerseys and Tanks are often the way fans show their allegiance to their team – but this doesn’t mean that these garments aren’t perfectly acceptable for casual wear. But they are an undeniable...

Show your loyalty for your sports heroes with jerseys & tanks          Jerseys and Tanks are often the way fans show their allegiance to their team – but this doesn’t mean that these garments aren’t perfectly acceptable for casual wear. But they are an undeniable part of the sports scene. Teams cash in on this, selling everything from t-shirts and hats to bar-stools.   But Jerseys and Tanks are the way most fans choose to make their support for their team known. Tank tops are a great way to identify with a team, while the cost of a jersey is a statement in itself. After all, just about anyone can buy a team hat – it’s cheap – but buying a jersey shows support. Go personal! When you buy a jerseys & tanks, it’s great to buy ones that support not just your favorite team, but a specific player. If you’re supporting a team sport, you’ll want your jersey to have your favorite player’s name and number. Now, while this might be the right thing to do in any given moment, you need to remember that you’ll be wearing that jersey for a long time to come.   So pick your player wisely – considering the cost of jerseys, it won’t do at all to choose a player who got phased off the team a month after your purchase. So pick a star – or if you can pick wisely, pick a player who later becomes a star. If in doubt, go with the current team star It might be unimaginative, but it’s safe and non-controversial. Two decades from now, when you dig out this old jersey, no one will make fun of you. They’ll say to themselves – ah, safe, unimaginative, non-controversial – and they’ll leave it at that. So the current team star is the safe way to go.   Something a little more imaginative is a great player from the past. If that player happened to be on your favorite team, that works best, of course – it would hardly do to wear the uniform of one of your team’s main rivals. Since this great man’s career is already in the past, there’s no chance of him betraying his current team for mere money, thus causing you to have wasted all the money you spent on that jersey that featured him. Another cool idea… One thing that is a little risky, but shows an awesome knowledge of your team, is a jersey or tank that features a part time player who really shifts the scales when he’s in the picture. People will appreciate your knowledge of the team, and you’ll get plenty of compliments. This is just perfect as long as it lasts.   The best advice I can give you is to have a main team jersey, say with the regular or classic team star, and plenty of tanks of different types that show your support for your team in different, highly individualistic ways. Because that’s a great way to personalize how you experience your favorite sport.

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