Bad Boy Kids BJJ Gi – White (M1 ONLY)

Made with tear resistant ripstop, the Bad Boy Kid’s Gi is designed for the young Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athlete to get rough and rowdy on the mat. Modeled after the adult version of the Bad Boy Ripstop Gi, the Bad Boy Kid’s Gi is made entirely of ripstop material.GI FEATURES:Lightweight woven ripstop jacketEVA foam collar14 oz canvas pantsDouble reinforced knee paddingRope drawstrings4 Drawstring loopsTriple stitching across all stress pointsPreshrunkVIEW ALL OF OUR KIDS GISBAD BOY KID’S GI SIZE CHARTSIZEM00M0M1M2M3JACKET LENGTH20 Inches21Inches22 Inches24 Inches25 InchesJACKET WIDTH13.8 Inches14.5 Inches15 Inches16 Inches17 InchesPANTS LENGTH25.5 Inches26 Inches27.5 Inches29.5 Inches32 InchesPANTS WAIST29 Inches30 Inches33 Inches36 Inches38 InchesAGE3-4yrs5-6yrs6-7yrs8-9yrs10-11yrsHEIGHT(full height of Gi)3.7 ft3.9 ft4.1 ft4.4 ft4.75 ftPlease note: The sizes above are approximate, and may vary slightly

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Made with tear resistant ripstop, the Bad Boy Kid’s Gi is designed for the young Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athlete to get rough and rowdy on the mat. Modeled after the adult version of the Bad Boy Ripstop Gi, the Bad Boy Kid’s Gi is made entirely of ripstop material.GI FEATURES:Lightweight woven ripstop jacketEVA foam collar14 oz canvas pantsDouble reinforced knee paddingRope drawstrings4 Drawstring loopsTriple stitching across all stress pointsPreshrunkVIEW ALL OF OUR KIDS GISBAD BOY KID’S GI SIZE CHARTSIZEM00M0M1M2M3JACKET LENGTH20 Inches21Inches22 Inches24 Inches25 InchesJACKET WIDTH13.8 Inches14.5 Inches15 Inches16 Inches17 InchesPANTS LENGTH25.5 Inches26 Inches27.5 Inches29.5 Inches32 InchesPANTS WAIST29 Inches30 Inches33 Inches36 Inches38 InchesAGE3-4yrs5-6yrs6-7yrs8-9yrs10-11yrsHEIGHT(full height of Gi)3.7 ft3.9 ft4.1 ft4.4 ft4.75 ftPlease note: The sizes above are approximate, and may vary slightly